Do you need help with Advertising or Online Promotion in some way?
I can help you with all your promotional needs and provide professional material. Many in the community are offering spiritual services and id like to help.
I Offer:
• Website Design & Seo Search Engine Optimisation
• Professional Head Shots for Social Media Profiles
• Create Online Shops & Courses For Passive Income
• Professional Photos & Video of your Products, Crafts & Services
I can design a website, or offer SEO advice for your current one to make them google and mobile friendly. If you would like your website to convert better, get more sales and bookings then i have experience in optimising websites.
"About 500k websites are being created every day, I can help you stand out from the rest with back end coding, search optimisation as well as offer suggestions in places to target to increase sales and exposure"
"Many people in the pagan community are making such wonderful things, but find it hard to produce good looking photos of them. So Id like to help people capitalise on their hard work, by giving professional quality images for their websites"
Over the years I have learned these types of skills. Theres several processes which help your website, as well social media marketing & engagement stratergies. Call me to discuss what you would like your website to do, and we can formulate a plan.
As part of helping with peoples websites, I like to offer my services so that you can get the best photos & video available. Everyone needs good photographs of themselves, or promotional videos online. This helps convey a professional approach. Professional head shots are important not only for your website but for social accounts like Linkedin and Facebook, as well as Facebook groups.
Do you need professional photographs of your beautiful crafts and products, so that you can sell on ebay or other online stores?. If so, I can create professional quality images of your items. Shooting items in a studio lightbox removes shadow areas, which allows the item to stand out more. Making them Ebay or Amazon friendly. These types of images maximise on your potential customers that you may attract, and convert better.
As part of website design, I can also create Online Shops such as Etsy or Shopify so that you can sell your items online. This involves setting up the shop, back end coding for best performance, making the listings and creating sku's so you can track your inventory.
If you would like me to film your Workshops & Lectures. I can use the footage to turn them into Online Courses for you. There are several ways of offering the results either through websites such as Skillshare or by locking off Pay Walls from inside your original website. That way people buy the course and gain access to it directly from your site.
Prices are fully competitive:
£800 Website Design. Website Initial Consultation. Design includes Research into the Competition / Keywords / Back End Coding / Setting up of Business Pages / SEO of the site and blog posts. Also includes a Promo Video.
£400 Half Day Photoshoot may include the need to create New Quality Images & Video for you website. Photographs of your Spiritual Services, youre Arts & Crafts. Head Shots and Profiles, for use on your website and for Promotional Needs.
Once the website is complete, I can offer:
£250 Maintenance Service Retainer of up to 25hrs per month for updates and site changes where necessary, mitigrating errors and resolving any technical issues.
Implementing Side Projects and anything you need for your website, such as:
-Design & Editing, more photos, blog posts or promo videos where needed.
-Marketing Strategies on your behalf, as well as advice on things you can do
-Overview & Planning tailor made to suit your needs.
-Promotional material: Book Launches, Special offers or Announcements
-Maintaining Online Courses or Shop Inventory, earning a Passive Income online.
*Additional opportunities for Bigger Projects where needed, can be discussed

You're welcome to call me to discuss your ideas, I'll be happy to help.
Heres a selection of on going Clients you are welcome to view: